Greetings from the captain,
Its been 2 weeks, still no dove.This week we ventured deep into the heart of Imperial County, California. We set off on our voyage at about 4:00 am on Friday of last. Although we had a late start, our spirits were high. In preparation for our trip, we needed to stop for supplies. First stop: Bass Pro Shop. Yes, Bass Pro Shops, "Where dreams come true".
First, we started into the fly shop. We made our rounds, but quickly remembered why we journeyed to the Hodge; the Oh-Holy-360-degree swivel seat bucket with built in cooler so if in the event your 3 boxes of shells yields a bird, all you have to do is clean it, stand up, and put it in your state-of-the-art built in cooler. There have only been 19 things that I had to have when I saw them and this is one of them.
Finally, with no more birds going bad due to the heat,we were ready for our second stop: El Pollo Loco (sometimes a man just has to ride the B.R.C). In our desperate search for light, sadly, we missed our turn off and had to settle for less. When you cant have the C.K. at least there is always the T.K. So here we come Terrestial Kingdom (i.e. Del Taco).
I love Del Taco it is so choice. I first felt feelings for Del Taco when I was 9 or so when me and my bro and my old man were going to the father and sons' camp out we stopped to partake. My brother and dad both got macho burritos and I thought, If they get one why cant I? I'm all grown up I'm going camping. I'm sleepin under the stars. I want a gosh-dang-macho-combo-burrito! My dad said that I couldn't eat anything else until that was all gone and that was Friday afternoon. The next morning when everyone was eating delicious bacon and eggs and savory danishes (or is it danei? I'm not sure).
Anyway, I had to eat the rest of my cold burrito. I eventually ran away from campnand threw it in the bushes, then came back and told my dad I ate all of it.......(Wow! I have been waiting 14 years to free myself of the burden of that lie....roll, roll, roll, drip a single tear runs down my cheek).
Back to the lecture at hand-
The three of us ate some delicious burritos and then it was on to the final destination. As we arrived conditions were perfect; citrus groves fields of seed and water. It couldn't have been more perfect. We slept out under the stars and the temperature was perfect! We slept great and woke up to a few birds flying over head. We prepared our guns and had a wonderful day of shooting. Yep-thats all. We had a wonderful day of shooting.
However, out of the 150 rounds spent we did manage to get 2 birds. One landed in the canal and without thinking Chauncho leaped for the retrieve. He had to chase it down the canal a minute but he made a perfect retrieve-to-hand and didn't let go until I gave the "give" command. It was picture perfect.
After a while we decided to head home and hit the date farms on the way out. They were outstanding. All in all, we had a great trip and can't wait to go again. No pictures this time sorry my camera was out of batteries.
However, be prepared for the next entry. I have 3 poles in the making and I am really proud of my efforts so far. I will be logging all of my progress for all who care. Also, for those interested can enter a drawing for a custom handmade pole. All entries must be emailed to eshillig@yahoo.com. Cut off date will be October 15th, 2008. Include in the email your name, address and favorite colors (for the pole).